One to one hypnobirthing courses can either take place online or at the client’s home if you are located relatively close to Crystal Palace.
You can take the 4 hour group course content as a one to one. After this, we arrange for a ‘check-in’ session a little down the line once you’ve read the book and tried out all the techniques to see how you are finding it all, whether you have any questions, etc. This ‘check-in’ session can take place either via Zoom call, telephone call or email and is arranged by you contacting me whenever you feel ready/that it is needed.
Click here to find out what gets covered in the 4 hour course. One to ones can also be tailored to your needs so do get in touch for a chat. The cost is £155 to include all materials if taken online & £170 if in person. Support is available up until your baby is born.
2 hour one to ones are also available and are usually used for refreshers for second time parents. These are £105 if taken online & £120 if in person and together we decide what elements of the content is most useful to get covered. It could be a recap on topics, or the content can be tailored to your needs.
Book plus a 1 hour one to one. This option is £55 if taken online & £70 if in person. The book gets posted out to you, you read it and try out all the techniques and audios and when you’re ready we arrange a one to one to go through any questions that you may have. It’s important the book is read before our session, so you get the most from the hour.
Digital Course: read about this here.
All courses include the same materials and support as well as access to a closed Facebook page.
The book you receive is an ‘antenatal course in a book’ covering everything you’ll need to know around labour and birth so you can do my course as a stand alone or alongside NCT/another antenatal course. If you decide to attend another antenatal course my hypnobirthing courses, along with its book, is perfectly designed to complement any other antenatal course you may be doing.
If you’d like to take a hypnobirthing course and expand into a more in-depth course, perhaps because you were unable to or didn’t want to attend a NCT course, we can arrange for this and can include more in depth discussion around topics such as caesarean birth, epidurals, water birth and baby care and topics such as safe sleep, bathing, etc. You can read all about this session here.
To book onto a course you can text, call or email: 07790 207363 / and can pay in two instalments if preferred.
If you’d like any other information please call, text or email 🙂 / 07790 207363